Mindset. Adventure. Sisterhood.

At Soul Adventure Collective

…our mission is to provide soul-enriching experiences that empower women to embrace their authentic selves and grow a sisterhood of support in their lives.

In the midst of life's demands and responsibilities, it is often easy to forget our own passions, authenticity, and inner strength. We believe that growing through life is easier (and more FUN) with other women at your side, cheering you on! Our offerings help women to focus on their mindset and peel back layers of conditioning through self-reflection, introspective activities, and soulful conversations.

You will learn to reawaken your passions, rediscover your values, and align your actions with your true essence.

We offer destination retreats and an interactive, membership-based mindset and empowerment group coaching program. Learn more about who we are and about the creators and facilitators of this collective by clicking on the button below.

What We Offer

  • One of our most passionate projects, Soul Adventure Retreats, are a great way to immerse yourself in a nurturing environment that satisfies the need for self-discovery, relaxation, sisterhood, and adventure. Our retreats are the most valuable way for women to share their stories, find solace in others who have faced similar obstacles in life, and gain valuable insights and perspectives, while also providing opportunities for bucket-list adventures and cultural experiences (location dependent).

    The power of sisterhood lies in the bonds and connections that form among women in a retreat setting. Shared experiences, vulnerability, and a mutual desire for growth will foster deep connections that often last a lifetime. Friendships formed at a sisterhood retreat become like anchors - a support system that continues to nourish and inspire long after the retreat concludes. This network of empowered women becomes a pivotal and transformative force in each individual's life, offering unwavering support, celebration, and motivation as they continue their journey beyond the retreat.

    Our retreats cover everything from transportation at the location, accommodation, food, activities, classes, and more. We take care of all the little details. All you have to do is show up! Check out our current retreats here.

  • Soul Sisterhood Membership provides you access to a supportive community of inspirational women who desire to better themselves and others. We offer a holistic program that allows you to explore your beautiful, authentic self and discuss topics that will help guide you in life.

    The Soul Sisterhood Member has access to member-only resources, the year long Soul Journey Program, member only events, discounts, and more.

    Check out our membership page for more information.

Destination Retreats

The Soul Sisterhood Community

This community is a mindset and empowerment group coaching program with community support.

As a member, you gain access to:

  • Soul Journey Program: Each month our sisterhood community group learns about and discusses 2-3 topics designed to help you grow and give you confidence in life. These topics vary and include things from exploring your authentic self and uncovering subconscious limiting beliefs to embracing masculine vs feminine energy in your life.

  • Access to inspiring workshops and 2-3 group calls/month

  • Members only events & retreats

  • Discounted Adventure & Wellness retreats (with annual membership)

  • Expert guest presentations that encourage personal growth and deep connection.

  • Expansive Resource Library with over 40 book/podcast recommendations and videos to help you on your personal journey

Check out our membership page for more information and detailed list of teachings.


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