Alex Hartinger, NTP

Passions: Freedom, Natural Health, Mindset

Clinical Nutritionist and Natural Health Practitioner - Owner - Symmetry Natural Health

Symmetry currently has over 1,000 active clients locally and across the country that we work with on natural health and emotional solutions. I have worked with over 3,500 people in the past 9 years and last year saw over 3,100 client appointments 


Bachelor of Business Administration - Economics

Pre-Nursing, Certified Health Coach, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified Morphogenic Field Technique Practitioner

Influencer for Proctor and Gamble Research - 1 year

Social Media Influencer - Facebook - Alex Braskey

Certified Teacher for my trade - Have traveled the country training chiropractors, acupuncturists and nutritionists in the most advanced muscle testing technique in the country and taught the first ever advanced course in Morphogenic Field Technique

Published Author in Best-Selling Wake Up Series and Embrace

Health Advocate and Speaker - Spoken for rallies at the state Capitol as well as local and national events. 

Mentor and Coach - 5 years - Consulting on an individual and business level for practitioners and natural health practices

FB: Alex Braskey


Website: and


Instagram: @lexleehart and @braskeycreative and @soulsetrising