Soul Sisterhood Membership

  • Soul Sisterhood is a vibrant community of like-minded women who support and uplift one another, while taking part in mindset and empowerment coaching.

    One of the main purposes of this membership is to help women reconnect with their authentic self (AND have fun while doing it). The Soul Sisterhood Community is a membership that will support you in your journey towards self-discovery and authentic growth.

    Some of the topics you will learn about in the coaching program include:

    1. Finding your personal core values

    2. Defining your vision (and creating a vision boar)

    3. Uncovering limiting beliefs

    4. Subconscious self-sabotage

    5. Healthy habits and goal setting

    6. Law of Attraction

    7. Discovering intuition

    8. Balancing feminine and masculine energies

    9. Leveraging your superpowers

    10. Authentic vs conditioned self

    11. Innerchild and adventure exploration

    12. Personal enneagrams

    13. Human design concepts

    14. Epigenetics

    15. Healing from the hustle culture

    16. Healthy boundaries and self-care

      AND MORE…

  • Is the Soul Sisterhood Membership for you?

    • Do you feel a desire to connect to others and experience more adventure in your life?

    • Are you undergoing a change in life or feel yourself shifting into a different role?

    • Are you looking to become more intentional with your life choices or seeking tools to help you create the life you desire?

    • Do you ever stop and think of who you are aside from the labels society has given you and feel there is something else?

    If you said “yes” to the above questions, this is be the perfect COMMUITY for you.

    We help you:

    • Discover the right tools you need to live your life by design and be in alignment with your authentic self

    • Establish inspiring and encouraging connections with other women

    • Find adventure and fun in life. You should not feel like you are just flowing through the motions, you should feel ALIVE!

    • Learn about topics involving mindset and empowerment AND be supported along your journey.

What’s Included

Access to Members-Only Day Trip Retreats & Events

Members will have access to local day trip retreats where we will always:

  1. Do something adventurous

  2. Participate in a wellness related activity

  3. Have a mini-workshop

  4. Celebrate and encourage one another

Special Access to Resources

You will have access to all recordings and special presentations from our guest speakers and retreat leaders. We also provide a comprehensive resource library of articles, books, and videos to supplement your journey.

Soul Sisterhood Calls

Sisterhood Calls provide a welcoming space for women to connect, share, and support one another. We will discuss various topics that go along with the Soul Journey Program curriculum, and do activities that will help you put the information learned into awareness or action. These calls foster an environment that encourages vulnerability, allowing women to feel safe to speak about their experiences, dreams, and ambitions, free from judgment or competition.

About 2 calls per month

Annually a $1,200 value

Full Soul Journey Program

Our Soul Journey Program is an at-your-own-pace online program that will help you on your journey to discovering and flourishing in your divine, authentic self. This 12-section course is FULL of all the information you will need from the basics of learning about your own intuition to the complex understanding of rewriting societal conditioning.

Full Course value $1,200

What is the BIGGEST perk in getting the annual membership over the monthly membership?

Discounted Retreats

Not only is the annual membership the BEST option for you to fully commit to yourself…but you also get $150 off ANY retreat, even if it is on sale!

You will get your coupon code via email within a few days of signing up for the annual membership.

Soul Sisterhood
Every month
Every year

Sign up to become a Sisterhood Member NOW and lock-in this low introductory rate. Regular monthly rate is $90 per month or $1000 per year. The introductory rate will go up after the sale is over, however, even when the rate increases in the future, yours will continue at your locked-in price.

If you decide this membership is not for you or it is not the right time for you, feel free to cancel at any time.

Limited Time Program: Soul Sisterhood & Wildhart Holistic Wellness

Are you interested in Mindset and Empowerment, as well as Health and Detoxification? Soul Sisterhood has partnered with Herbalizm Detoxification Specialist, Liz Neihart, to provide discounted access to both programs/services. You will keep all the benefits of the Soul Sisterhood program, with the added services of the Herbalizm Detox program.

Mindset & Detox Combo
Every month
Every year

Access to Soul Journey Program Mindset and Empowerment Community and coursework, as well as Herbalizm Detoxification Specialist Services.

✓ 12 Month Soul Journey Mindset & Empowerment plan
✓ Personalized Detox & Health Discussions, Challenges, & more
✓ Discounted Retreats & Members Only Events
✓ Access to Guest Speakers and Resource Library
✓ Accountability Group

Sign up for the combo plan NOW and lock-in this low introductory rate. Regular monthly rate is $175 per month or $2100 per year. The introductory rate will go up after the sale is over, however, even when the rate increases in the future, yours will continue at your locked-in price.

If you decide this membership is not for you or it is not the right time for you, feel free to cancel at any time.

For more information on Wildhart Holistic Wellness offerings, please visit:

What people are saying

“I didn’t realize how much I truly needed this. I have learned so much about myself and have felt supported the entire time. I now know how much power I have with achieving the life of my dreams. These are lessons that every woman should learn”

— Connie

“I have learned some of the most empowering and valuable information from Sara. I now have a group of women that I can trust and confide in and that constantly inspire me. I hope to go on another retreat in the near future and really solidify the journey that I have been working on.

— Lisa

Who were you before they told you to forget?