Women’s Adventure & Wellness Retreats

Are you ready to take the trip of a LIFETIME?

Join us at one of our retreats designed exclusively for women.

Be prepared to leave the noise and demands of everyday life behind as you step foot into a world specifically crafted for you. Each day will unveil a carefully curated program that will highlight various aspects of self-care, personal growth, and self-expression. At our destination retreats, be prepared to bond with other participants as you go on epic (sometimes bucket list) adventures and cultural experiences. Everything is already planned and arranged; all you have to do is show up!

Our expert facilitators will guide you through a multitude of holistic practices including things such as: outdoor adventures, yoga sessions, meditation circles, and creative workshops, allowing you to explore the depths of your being and unlock your untapped potential. One of the most life-altering experiences will be when you discover the power of sisterhood as you bond with other like-minded women.


Idaho Day Retreat
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Canadian Rockies- Banff September 2024
from $500.00
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Iceland Midnight Sun July 2024
Sale Price:$3,000.00 Original Price:$3,200.00
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Ireland & Northern Ireland May 2024
from $500.00
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Sedona November 2023
from $500.00
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