Liz Neihart

I am Liz a Holistic Coach, a wife and mother of three. I found my way to holistic healing by healing myself and my family. After I found the way to live a vibrant, healthy, enjoyable life I wanted to share my knowledge with others. I have been helping people find their way to heal through food and herbs and other modalities.

A bookmark in my life that I can look back on and say it really changed the way of my life was in 2015. I was 7 months pregnant with my third child and my second child was wanting to potty train. While we were going through the potty training process he was struggling digestively with severe constipation, ear aches, constant running nose, cough, and eczema. We were in and out of the doctors office constantly with my pregnancy checkups and the issues with my second child. I was getting very frustrated because all they wanted to give him was Miralax. I explained to them that when I looked up the ingredients of what is in Miralax, I found it was polyethylene glycol. Polyethylene glycol comes from petroleum, and I did not want my almost 2 year old drinking that. During that same time I was going through my own dis-ease. I was also having eczema breakouts and could not sleep. Being so pregnant and in that constant itch and pain was extremely draining. The doctors took a look at me, did no tests, and said it was scabies and I went through the full drama and emotions of thinking that is what it was…it was not. It came back after my third child was born, and since I was breast feeding I knew that I could not have scabies. They finally listened to me and had me go to a dermatologist who explained I was having an eczema outbreak. I took this information and realized that both my second child and I were going through similar symptoms. Why is that? What was going on with my body?

After a lot of frustration with doctor appointments and doctors giving me non answers to all of my questions about why my son and I were going through what we were going through. I called a friend one day who suggested we try a holistic center. We ended up with a woman who turned us to tonics and evaluating what we are putting in our bodies. I went through many books and found that when we eat more in line with what our body is designed to handle we can cure all ailments. My son and I are now out of the dis-ease that we were facing for so many years. Through the years I have found the truth behind how we can heal ourselves. All dis-ease is due to an imbalance in our body and detoxing holistically is the only way to truly cure ourselves. I have helped many on a path to wellness and am now certified with the International School of Healing Arts and am a specialist in nutrition and Iridology. I am very excited to be working with others to help them empower themselves to heal.

Visit for more information and detoxification offerings.